Olive Oil in Your Daily Skincare Routine

5 Simple Ways to Use Olive Oil in Your Daily Skincare Routine:

Olive oil has been used by South-Europeans since many years. But now, olive oil has become popular all around the world for different purposes like cooking, beauty tips, and beauty products. Olive oil is a natural ingredient that is full of protecting substances, inflammation reducing substances, vitamins, and minerals that are very beneficial for our bodies.

If you want to use the beauty products made from natural ingredients, you should use the beauty products that are made with olive oil and olives. This article will guide you about simple ways to use olive oil in your daily skincare routine.

Olive oil moisturizer:

You can apply olive oil directly on your skin because it helps to moisten your skin. Olive oil is full of vitamin A, D, E, and K that are very good for human health and skin. If your skin is dry, you should definitely use olive oil to hydrate your skin. 

How to use the olive oil?

Firstly, wash your face with a good face wash and then dry your face with a clean towel. Now take a few drops of extra virgin olive oil on your palm and apply it on your face with circular motion. Gently massage the oil on your skin. Apply gently on dry areas of your body like knees, under-eyes, and feet so that they become moist. 

If you don't like the smell of olive oil, you can add a few drops of essential oils in it. It will add a soft smell that is bearable to everyone. Olive oil is a natural and good alternative to chemical lotions and creams that makes your skin dry. 

Olive oil face mask recipes:

You can also make face mask by using olive oil at home because it is the best ingredient that can be used as a beauty enhancer. Olive oil helps to hydrate your skin, provide inflammation reducing substances, and improves the skin texture. You can mix olive oil with other ingredients honey, avocado, and yogurt etc. 

Olive oil face mask for dry skin:

Take one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice and mix them in a small mixing bowl. After mixing, apply this mask on your skin and leave it for about 20 minutes. After the mask is dry, rinse it with warm water and dry your face with a clean towel. 

Olive oil is the best hydrating agent that keeps your skin moist. It adds a natural shine to your skin by nourishing your skin with its vitamins and minerals. When honey is added in this mask, it also does wonder to your skin.

Olive oil face mask for acne-pore skin:

Now, many women and men are having acne and acne-pores on their faces and other parts of the body that is damaging their natural beauty. They can use homemade olive oil face mask that is very good for their acne and acne-pores. You don't need to go to the dermatologists for skin. You can simply use this olive oil face mask for your acne and acne-pores.

For making this mask, you just need one tablespoon of olive oil one tablespoon of aloe vera gel and one tablespoon of tea tree oil. Mix aloe vera gel and olive oil in tea tree oil and apply it on your skin. Let this mask applied on your skin for 15 minutes. After the due time, wash your face with lukewarm water. 

Olive oil is the best to fight against acne and bacteria because it has inflammation reducing substances, protecting substances and other nutrients. It does not get your skin to dry out, and moistens it.

Olive oil for makeup removal:

Many women use olive oil as makeup remover because chemically produced makeup removers are not only costly, but also make your skin dry. Olive oil is used as a makeup remover because it dissolves olive oil, and you don't need to rub your skin to remove the makeup. Olive is a natural ingredient that does not remove your natural oil and hydrates your skin.

How to use olive oil as makeup remover?

Add a few drops of olive oil on cotton ball and apply it on your face gently. Make sure that you move the cotton ball on your skin gently to remove the makeup completely. Hold the cotton ball on the eyelids for a few seconds and then remove makeup so that you don't need to rub your eyelids. Now wash your face with lukewarm water so that oil and makeup is removed completely from your skin.

When you apply makeup on your skin, it makes your skin to dry out. When you apply olive oil on your face for removing the makeup, it does not make your sin to dry out. It helps to hydrate your skin. You can use olive oil for cleansing as well.

Olive oil as a lip balm:

You can use olive oil all over your skin i.e., on face, hands, body, and lips. It helps to hydrate your skin. It is the best to be used as lip balm because it acts as a hydrating agent. Your lips get dry specially in winter, so you can use olive oil for your lips.

How to use?

Take a tablespoon of olive oil and apply it directly on your lips with gently massage. You can also add lemon or honey in olive oil and use it as a lip scrub. It helps to hydrate your lips and adds a natural moisture and glow to your lips. You should scrub your lips gently in circular motion. 

After you have applied scrub and massaged your lips, wash your lips with warm water and then apply a few drops of olive oil for extra softness and glow. Olive oil protects your kips from any damage because it contains protecting substances. It also contains good fats that are good for your lips because they provide softness and shine to your lips.

Olive oil as a skin scrub:

You can also use olive oil as a skin scrub because olive oil scrub helps to remove dead skin cells and remove black heads and white heads from your skin. It gives a next level glow, shine, and freshness to your skin. You can improve your skin tone and texture by using olive oil scrub twice a week.

How to use olive oil skin scrub?

Take one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of honey. Mix them well to form a scrub. Now apply this scrub to your face and gently massage your face in circular motion. After 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water and dry your face. 

Olive oil is a natural moisturizer and sugar is the best skin scrub. When you add honey, it improves your skin texture. You can make your skin soft, glowing and shiny by using this scrub once or twice a week.

Olive oil for hair care:

Many people don't know that olive oil is not used for cooing and skin, it can also be used for hair problems. If you want to improve your hair texture, remove frizz, and make your skin shine, you can apply olive oil on your scalp and massage it. All you need to do is just apply olive oil on your scalp with gently massage and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with a good shampoo.

Olive oil for nail care:

You can also use olive oil for your nails and cuticles. If your nails are dry and cracked, you can apply olive oil because it will make your nails moist and helps to regrow them. It will also add a shine to your nails. When you apply olive oil on your nails daily, you will feel the improvement.

Do you want to improve your skin and health with our premium quality extra virgin olive oil? Buy our extra virgin olive oil right out, apply it on your hair and skin, and feel its positive effects on your body. You can use our premium quality extra virgin olive oil for as a moisturizer, face mask, makeup remover, lip balm, hair growth, and skin scrub. Visit our website and buy our extra virgin olive oil right now to use it as a beauty product.

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