olive oil colour doesn't determine it's quality, zagodaoliveoil.com

Olive Oil Color Doesn’t Determine Quality: What Does?

If you've ever tasted various olive oils you've probably noticed that they come in various colors. However, it's not as simple as you might assume to evaluate the color of olive oil.

A few persistent beliefs have made the process even more challenging. When we go to the market for olive oil shopping then there we see different colors of olive oil. It is difficult for everyone to choose the best one for cooking. 

In this article, you will get much information about the exact pure color of olive oil. We covered the quality of olive oil color and important factors that affect the olive oil texture.

Does Color Indicate Olive Oil Quality?

An olive oil's color does not always relate to its quality. Although if it were it would be incredibly useful. The color and darkness of the olive oil's hue are simply unreliable indicators of the oil's quality with the myth that darker greener olive oils are of greater quality. For the same reason that color is not a reliable sign of quality professional olive oil tasters cover the olive oil's color with special blue glasses.

The belief that olive oil that went through intense processing and refinement will have a lighter color than when it was extra virgin likely originated from that misunderstanding. It's important to note that the olive oil used for these comparisons must be from the same batch. 

It is not valid when comparing two batches of the same type of olive oil or two olive oils made from different varieties of olives.  The refined olive oil made from different types of olives can have precisely the same color and tint as unrefined extra virgin olive oil made from olive type. 

What Does the Color of Olive Oil Mean?

Olive oil color does provide some information about its quality even if it is not a reliable indicator of quality. The color of olive oil may consider its freshness and the type of olives used but it is not an accurate measure of quality.

For example, golden oils have a lighter buttery flavor, and greener oils tend to be more strong and grassy in flavor.

You may also tell when the olives were gathered by looking at the color of the olive oil. Olive fruit starts as green and gradually turns black. It is also produced by olives that are collected early in the season when the fruit is still green. The olive oil l from olives harvested in the season typically appears more pale and golden.

Because of this two olive oils produced from the same kind of olives cultivated in the same location may have two distinct colors. Furthermore, the climate in which the olives were cultivated affects the color of the olive oil. 

But one bottle was produced using olives from France,  from Spain, or two separate parts of Italy. Even if the final olive oils are identical they will most likely have two different colors due to the variations in environment and weather.

Factors affecting the color of extra virgin olive oil

The final color of extra virgin olive oil is determined by several factors including the type of olive its level of ripeness, exposure to light, and temperature variations. The principal ones are as follows:

  • Olive kind:The quantity of chlorophyll green pigment in the olive will determine the oil's color. 
  • Level of maturity: Because the oil has more carotene (an orange color) when it is made when the fruit is mature. It will be more greenish when the olives are harvested early because of their higher chlorophyll content.
  • Influence of filtering: The impurities from the milling process have been eliminated giving the filtered oil a clear bright color.  However, Unfiltered EVOO is cloudier and denser.
  • Olive Oil Preservation: The amount of chlorophyll in an organism can increase or decrease depending on environmental factors such as temperature variations and light exposure. Olive oil's color changes going from green to yellow. As a result, it is important to maintain it in a cold dark environment.

Another way to ensure that EVOO stays in its original state is to store it in a cold dark spot away from light and in a clear container. When you buy organic olive oil ensure you buy it from a trusted brand.

Check our website products we will provide you with the best olive oil with pure smell and color. 

Which color of olive oil is better?

The short answer is that green extra virgin olive oil is always thought to be the healthier option. It is typically a sign that the oil is fresher pressed from greener olives and has a lower acidity level and a higher concentration of antioxidants and polyphenols. Although green extra virgin olive oil is healthier for you yellow EVOO isn't naturally unhealthy either. Now let's explore why! 

Why does olive oil come in various colors?

Two pigments determine the hue of olive oil. The green substance is known as chlorophyll, whereas the yellow substance is known as carotenoids. Because scientists are learning so much about the numerous health benefits these pigments bring, they have attracted a great deal of attention.

For plants to grow green and become lush and healthy chlorophyll is essential. Experts are learning that because it is high in vitamins and antioxidants it may help stop the growth of cancer cells. Another study has shown that chlorophyll particularly slows the growth of cancer cells in the intestines, which is where issues like colon cancer start.

Carotenoids are pigments that can be found in plants, algae, and photosynthetic microorganisms. They are the source of the orange and red hues present in some fruits, plants, and vegetables.  The human body has many carotenoids to transform vitamins. It is also a type of antioxidant. All of this indicates that chlorophyll and carotenoids are very advantageous.

Olive oil has a surprisingly wide range of hues ranging from bright yellow to dark green. Early olive harvesting intensifies the chlorophyll content that gives the oil a deep green color. The olive oil turns a slightly paler more vibrant green as the harvest progresses.

Why does olive oil's color change over time?

The cause of the color of olive oil. Because chlorophyll is weakened by environmental variables like exposure to sunshine and high temperatures it fluctuates with time. It can shift from its typical greenish color to a yellow oil. 

Therefore, keeping the biological characteristics of extra virgin olive oil requires careful knowledge of preservation techniques. Some of the most important things you need to do are to store it in an opaque container preserve it out of direct sunlight, and keep it away from strong heat sources. 

Don't hesitate to use these basic tips to extend the life of your oil. They are quite simple to implement.

What color is olive oil harvested early?

The production of green olive oil is a unique characteristic of the early olive harvest. Extra virgin olive oil is widely prized in the market for its better quality when compared to other types of oil. It possesses strong fresh fruity flavors along with aromatic characteristics. 

The reason early harvest oil got its name is that the olives are picked while they are still young and are just beginning to turn purple instead of green. Harvesting takes place in the first two weeks of October and lasts for a month depending on where the olive grove is located.

This kind of oil has a distinct flavor aroma, and set of qualities.  Due to manual harvesting and the characteristics of the young olives. It is regarded as a unique commodity with great value both domestically and worldwide. 

The reason behind the color of extra virgin olive oil allows you to quickly determine the kind of olive used in its production as well as the kind of filtration it has experienced.


In conclusion, we give you the answer to all questions about the color of extra virgin olive oil. Every brand has shown different colors. Just you should be attentive and remember the factors described in this article. The color of olive oil matters because it is directly related to health. Our top-notch product  3-pack Trylie extra virgin olive oil is ideal because of its natural color. It is naturally extracted from olives. Go and check the product and make it yours.

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