does olive oil make your eyelashes grow?

How to Use Olive Oil for Eyelash Growth?

Everyone wants healthier, longer, and fuller lashes. Beauty bloggers and YouTubers believe that all it takes to grow and thicken your eyelashes is to coat them with olive oil. An item you most likely already have in your kitchen.

These are results from skincare and research. When we learn that one of the best additions to our beauty arsenal we can make is directly from our kitchen cabinet. Consider the standard suspects: lemon, brown sugar, coconut oil, and Manuka honey. 

It's all about olive oil this week. We used to be aware of its benefits for our hair and skin. It's an expert at removing makeup a mild moisturizer, and a hair treatment that nourishes hair but it gets better.

In this article, we give you the answer to the question does olive oil make your eyelashes grow?

Buy our premium Olive Oil to get a thick eyelash that makes you look attractive.


Overview of Eyelashes

Eyelashes are a form of hair that grows from the eyelids rather than the scalp. Eyebrow hair is the most akin to them. According to dermatologist Dendy Engelman, MD, of the Shafer Clinic in New York, they are coarser and grow more slowly than scalp hair. An eyelash has a complete life cycle of 4–11 months. As people age their eyelashes are also thin and turn gray.

What is in Olive Oil?

Fatty acids such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid are abundant in olive oil. Due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial qualities, fatty acids are used for hair development all over the world.

Oleic Acid

This controls the amount of sebum your body produces, moisturizing your eyelids and warding off infection. A healthy eyelid helps produce healthy follicles and therefore healthy strands.

Acid Palmitic

This has soothing qualities. That means it helps to soften the skin or eyelashes.

 Linoleic Acid

This maintains the health of the hair follicles.  Linoleic acid encourages healthy skin cell turnover with daily use to prevent obstructed and dead hair follicles.

How to Apply Olive Oil to Eyelashes?

To apply olive oil to your eyelashes, first use a Q-tip or clean mascara wand and apply it to your lashes. A few drops of olive oil should be added: Start with a lower amount because you don't want it to drip and get in your eye.


Lightly coat your eyelashes from the roots to the tips using the wand or Q-tip. Leave on for ten to fifteen minutes, or overnight if desired. When you're finished use water to rinse off the olive oil. Use a mild cleanser to get rid of any remaining olive oil remains on your skin.


Remember that using extra virgin olive oil will yield the greatest advantages when using it on your lashes. This is because the advantageous components in olive oil are broken down by heat, chemicals, and other refining procedures. 


Extra virgin olive oil retains the maximum concentrations of these healthy fatty acids due to its little processing, which means that it will benefit your skin, hair, and eyelashes the most. Through reading this blog you get the answer to the question does olive oil make your eyelashes grow?

Is Olive Oil Good for Lashes?

Ever since its inception, olive oil has gained recognition as a healthy fat. The olives and their cold-pressed oil have numerous health benefits, ranging from heart and brain health to being a good fat for fitness fanatics.


In your search for long, fluttery eyelashes that frame your eyes like dreamy beauty. You may often experiment with a variety of remedies. Recently, among them, the focus has shifted to olive oil a kitchen essential used for purposes other than cooking.

The Diet-Dense Treatment

Olive oil has a high nutritional value and is extracted from the fruit of the Olea europaea tree. Examples include essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants. These nutrients nourish the hair follicles and prevent damage from free radicals, which is crucial for improving the health of the hair.

Giving the Follicles Food

To grow eyelashes, need the same nutrients as scalp hair. Olive oil's high vitamin E content serves as a potent antioxidant that not only makes lashes stronger but also promotes their general health. Daily application of olive oil can provide the nutrients that lash follicles need promoting an environment that is conducive to growth.


One of the main reasons for thin and brittle eyelashes is a deficiency of moisture. Olive oil works well as a natural moisturizer because of its emollient properties.

By penetrating the hair shaft it hydrates the lashes and keeps them from breaking and drying out. This ability to hold onto moisture may help your eyelashes remain supple and elastic.

The Soft Touch

When compared to certain commercial eyelash preparations that could contain harsh chemicals olive oil is gentle and suitable for the majority of skin types.

Because of its natural makeup, it's a safe option for application around delicate eye areas. Olive oil is a tempting substitute for people with sensitive skin because of its mildness, which lowers the possibility of irritation or negative responses.

Application Advice for the Best Outcomes

To take full use of olive oil's potential benefits for your lashes, you must apply it correctly. Make sure your face is clean and devoid of makeup before starting. Apply a tiny bit of olive oil to your lashes using a cotton swab or clean mascara wand. 


Make use of extra virgin olive oil for optimal outcomes. Applying the oil before bed is ideal so that it may do its magic all night. Through reading this blog you get the answer to the question does olive oil make your eyelashes grow?

The Importance of Dependability

Olive oil might not work right away, but you have to be persistent to see its transforming effects. Your eyelashes may eventually become longer, glossier, and smoother if you use this natural remedy as part of your beauty routine.

Through reading this blog you get the answer to the question does olive oil make your eyelashes grow?

In conclusion

Olive oil is a natural and all-encompassing way to nourish your eyelashes, according to a summary of the debate on the topic. It's an adaptable solution that's easy to incorporate into your routine, rich in nutrients, and gentle on the skin.

Therefore, the next time you see that bottle of olive oil in your kitchen think of it as a golden ticket to long thick lashes in addition to your culinary wonders.

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