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Substitute Olive Oil for Butter: Healthier Baking & Cooking Guide

Can you substitute olive oil for butter? Absolutely Yes! But you need to know about changing one for the other. Every baker and cook should always have butter and oil on hand as basic ingredients. While both can have comparable functions but are not necessarily equal. 

Try substituting part of the butter in your baking with some olive oil. You already use extra virgin olive oil for baked items, salads, marinades, and vegetables. Butter can provide a range of distinct flavors and health benefits when used in its place. 

In this blog, we tell you the most interesting details about replacing butter with olive oil. Butter is a popular ingredient in many recipes and salad dressings. But they were confusing to use it.

Because olive oil is the ideal option for dressings or final touches. 

Why Do You Use Olive Oil Instead of Butter?

It makes sense that you would want to use olive oil as a substitute if you are out of butter at home. It's important to take the sources into account before comparing butter with olive oil. Olive oil is good for vegetarian diets because it comes from plants.

Butter is not allowed on vegan diets since it is made from animal milk fats. Olive oil has more beneficial monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats than butter but butter also has more harmful saturated fats.

Additional health benefits of extra virgin olive oil include its rich content of antioxidants and polyphenols two more healthy molecules.

Butter and olive oil have completely different tastes. This will change the flavor of the final meal. Due to its more neutral flavor butter works well in any baking or cooking dish.

However, olive oil has a distinct flavor that many describe as peppery or grassy. Depending on the recipe this taste can either add or remove from the dish's flavor.

How to Substitute Olive Oil for Butter: The Basics 

It's easy to replace butter with olive oil but there are a few things to remember. Use roughly 3/4 cup of olive oil for every cup of butter as a general guideline. This is true because butter comprises water and milk solids but olive oil is only fat. 

Most recipes work well with olive oil especially when roasting, sautéing, and even baking. It's important to take the olive oil flavor into mind. Because extra virgin olive oil has a stronger flavor that might not go well with every food.

Changing the olive oil for butter during baking might alter the flavor and texture. Olive oil helps to provide moisture and tenderness to baked foods. It works best in fast breads, cakes, and muffins.

You can use a milder olive oil or mix it with other oils if the flavor of the olive oil worries you. Always start small when trying to observe how it changes the texture and flavor of your food.

Cooking and Baking: Olive Oil vs. Butter

Here we tell you the guidelines for cooking or baking with olive oil and butter. 

Why Use Olive Oil While Baking?

Maybe you want to use olive oil instead of butter in a beloved dish for health reasons, or maybe you're in a pinch and all you have is olive oil. It's not new that olive oil has more beneficial fats and polyphenols than butter given that butter bakes up beautifully.

Olive oil is another choice that adds a unique depth of flavor to baked goods.  

For any reason that you choose to bake with olive oil. Note that not all baking recipes call for replacing butter even though many do.

How can butter be used in place of oil for baking?

It is not easy to use one in place of the other when transforming from oil to butter or vice versa.  You may successfully substitute anything every time by following these detailed instructions:

Oil in Substitute of Butter

Depending on the kind of olive oil can give your baked products a rich flavor and much-needed moisture. A general rule of thumb is to replace roughly 3/4 of the butter in a recipe with olive, canola, or vegetable oil. For coconut oil a one-by-one ratio is appropriate.

But before switching from butter to oil in baking, there are a few points to take into account:

  • Butter plays a role in many recipes because it provides structure. When you cream together butter and sugar to make a cake.  
  • A lot of microscopic air pockets form, which combine with baking soda or powder to give the cake a fluffy yet dense texture. Using solely oil would result in a denser cake than you might have imagined.
  • To be safe use an oil and butter blend that is fifty percent, rather than using pure butter.  
  • You will still get the extra moisture from the oil without sacrificing the solidity that butter provides.

How to substitute butter for oil for Cooking?

When cooking you can replace oil with butter and vice versa. However, butter isn't always as easy as it seems because it comprises milk solids and water. When using butter in place of oil for cooking keep the following in mind:

  • Melt the butter slowly over low heat before adding the ingredients. This removes part of the moisture while enabling the fat to reach a sufficient temperature.
  • Instead of using oil for stir-frying use plain butter it won't withstand the high heat. Try ghee or clarified butter in its place.
  • Use ghee or clarified butter for high-heat roasting.

Best Practices of Using Olive Oil in Recipes

Now we telling you the different recipes in which you substitute olive oil for butter. Here we see that besides this question that Can you substitute olive oil for butter or not? We also have different recipes for using olive oil for butter. 

Ingenious The Switch: Roasting & Sautéing

You can usually use olive oil for butter in savory recipes that call for cooking meat or vegetables in the oven or on the stovetop (such as sautéing, pan-frying, or roasting).

Remember that extra-virgin olive oil has a distinct flavor from butter and is quite powerful. An olive oil's flavor can range from harsh and peppery to smooth and buttery depending on the region in which the olives were cultivated. 

To ensure you know how the oil will affect your dish taste it before using it in cooking. Olive oil can also be used in recipes for roast chicken or pig.

Pasta Recipes

Most pasta recipes can easily be made with olive oil instead of butter especially those that call for a lot of fresh veggies. Pick recipes with less dressing and stay away from butter-required heavy cream pasta.

Tip for Substitution

In a recipe, substitute three-quarters of the butter with olive oil. To make six tablespoons of oil substitute one stick of butter (8 tablespoons) in a recipe.

Which Is Better for You: Butter or Olive Oil?

When we compare then olive oil has more antioxidants and low fat. It's also difficult to overlook how much healthier olive oil is for you. Even though butter can add a wonderful flavor to a dish.

Olive oil has a far more acceptable 14% saturated fat content compared to butter's 65% (or more) saturated fat content. 

That is not meant in any way to demonize butter. Its ability to improve flavor texture, and structure is evident. However, if you're seeking to switch here are some suggestions pointers, and advice to get you started.


What happens if the recipe asks you to cream the butter and sugar together?

The butter is creamed with the sugar and there is additional liquid (such as milk) in the recipe. Follow the recipe instructions and substitute the oil for the butter at three-quarters of the amount.

Can I use olive oil in place of vegetable or canola oil in recipes like carrot cake?

It's something we do often. Simply use one olive oil for each item. Use the same amount of olive oil in recipes that call for half a cup of vegetable oil. A decent olive oil adds a richer delightful flavor to your cake and other baked items.

Can I bake with any kind of olive oil that I buy at the grocery store?

Not if you want your baked dish to taste better. Make sure the olive oil you use tastes good.  Your baking with highly processed olive oil if you don't particularly enjoy its flavor? "Never cook with a wine you wouldn't want to drink.

In general, a delicate oil works well, such as our Tryile Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It is usually a good idea to choose a delicate extra virgin olive oil with minimal bitterness and pungency. Especially if it has buttery overtones since this will replicate the flavor of the butter that it is replacing. 

However, also points out that chocolate-based dishes can benefit from the use of a stronger oil. The sharpness and pungency of a medium or even robust extra virgin olive oil can be matched by fine chocolate.

For all things chocolate, our extra virgin premium olive oil is an especially excellent option. Check our website for this olive oil and used easily in baking. 


In ending, we try to give you the answer to this question Can you substitute olive oil for butter? You will get everything about using olive oil for butter. Many people in this world use the recipes in which the substitution occurs. But it depends on the quality of Olive oil.

We are giving you the best 3 Combo pack Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Olive oil. This is ideal for baking the cake. Go and Buy it from our site. 

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