Tips for health enthusiasts to avoid fake olive oil

How to Spot Fake Olive Oil: A Buyer’s Guide for Health Enthusiasts

Extra virgin olive oil is an essential ingredient used in almost every kitchen of the world. It is used particularly by those who love healthy eating. Olive oil contains various protecting substances, inflammation reducing substances, vitamins, and minerals that are very good for a human body. Though it is very beneficial, many fake olive oils have been introduced in the market.

These olive oils are fake and unhealthy for human body. Every olive oil user should know the major visual difference between olive oil because they don't want to compromise on their health in any way. This article will guide you how to spot fake olive oil and protect your body from unhealthy substances.

What is fake olive oil?

Fake olive oil is actually contaminated and impure olive oil because this olive oil has been mixed with other oils like soybean oil and sunflower oil. This olive oil is treated in such a way that its quality has been reduced. Many producers have been making fake olive oil to increase their sale and annual profit. In olive oil industry, many producers are either mixing olive oil with refined oil or using low quality olives to collect olive oil from them.

Types of fake olive oil:

Following are three major types of fake olive oil available in market:

1. Impure olive oil:

When producers mix other types of oils like soybean oil and sunflower oil in the extra virgin olive oil, these oils make the olive oil impure and contaminated. This oil has various unhealthy substances that can cause serious diseases.

2. Refined olive oil:

It is a processed form of olive oil which is produced by an artificial way. When olives are pressed under high pressure, the production system uses heat or chemical for the collection of olive oil from it. This heat and chemicals are very unhealthy for human body and make fake olive oil.

3. Mislabeled olive oil:

Sometimes, producer label low quality olive oil an extra virgin olive oil to increase their sale. But this olive oil does not meet the standards of extra virgin olive oil. It is the most common and most observed olive oil fraud in the market.

How to identify fake olive oil?

There are following tips to identify a fake olive oil:

1. Check the production date:

One of the best ways to identify fake olive oil is checking the production date. It is necessary to use olive oil within 18 months of production. If an olive oil bottle does not have production date, it might be a fake olive oil. You should choose the olive oil that has its production date printed on it.

2. Buy California olive oil:

California has a strict and rigid rules and standards about olive oil production. Here, producers are required to mete the standards before marketing their olive oil. If you see California olive oil on your olive oil bottle, you can trust that olive oil because that olive oil is of high quality.

3. Give it a sensory test:

You should always check and test your olive oil before buying it because there are the chances that you are buying a fake olive oil. Taste, smell, and fell the olive oil before buying. A real and genuine olive oil should have a fresh, fruity, slightly bitter, and peppery taste. Bitter taste of olive oil ensures that your olive oil is fresh and of high quality.

Authentic olive oil has a fresh and grassy smell that is neither too strong nor too weak. A real olive oil has a soft and thick texture. A fake olive oil has a thin and greasy texture.

4. Look for identifiers to check real olive oil:

Most trustworthy and good brands print a seal of authentication with their olive oil bottles so that people can buy their olive oil. A certification naming a protected designation of origin is printed that tells the specific region and land where olives were grown and oil was collected from them. Another certification, naming California olive oil council, explains the quality of olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil fraud:

Extra virgin olive oil fraud has been a major issue in the markets. Researches have proved that there are almost 70% of the olive oil has been contaminated either due to the addition of other oils or heat and chemicals or mislabeling. Olive oil producers are not only cheating the consumers with money, but also playing with their health.

Tip on how to buy real olive oil:

Here are some tips for buying real extra virgin olive oil:

1. Buy extra virgin olive oil:

Always buy the olive oil that has written extra virgin olive oil on it. This olive oil has the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins because it is the highest quality olive oil. Avoid buying simple or refined olive oil.

2. Look for dates and location:

Always look at the dates and location before buying olive oil. Check the location where olives were grown and check the production date of olive oil. If olive oil is produced within the last 18 months, it is fresh and of highest quality olive oil.

3. Be careful with the location of olives:

Many olive oil bottles have been printed with their location and people buy these oils. But now olive oil is being produced locally and producers print other location on the bottles. It is also a fraud. So you should always double-check the olive oil location and production date to make sure that olive oil is of high quality or not.

4. Prices are not the standard:

When you are going to buy olive oil, and you see a costly bottle of olive oil, don't buy it before checking. Because prices are not the standard and costly olive oil does not mean that it is extra virgin or high quality olive oil. You should always check the taste, smell, and texture of olive oil before buying it.

5. Pay attention to the bottles:

Always buy the olive oil that is stored in dark bottles or cans. Because olive oil can change its taste when it comes in contact with air or light. Dark-colored bottles keep the taste and smell of olive oil fresh.

6. Check the taste:

Always taste your olive oil before buying it. If olive oil has a fresh, fruity, peppery, and slightly bitter taste, it is an extra virgin olive oil. Buy it immediately without wasting time.

7. Olive oil ranking:

You can check olive oil quality, texture, and authenticity by online olive oil ranking system. You can easily choose the best and authentic olive oil in this way.

8. Failing to meet the standards:

Fake olive oil always fail to meet the standards of extra virgin olive oil. It is neither fresh not has peppery taste. Many producers are reducing the quality of olive oil, either by mixing other oils in the olive oil or mislabeling the olive oil, or by using heat and chemical. This fake olive oil has no rich, tangy, and deep flavor of extra virgin olive oil.

What can consumers do?

Consumers can protect themselves from fake olive oil by properly checking olive oil before buying it. They can get more information bout these fake olive oils and avoid using these oils. Make sure that consumers are buying real extra virgin olive oil by checking authentication seal, checking labels, and performing sensory tests.

Appeal for strict regulations:

If you want to save yourself from unhealthy substances and fake olive oil, you should appeal for strict regulations. The olive oil industry should set rules and regulations for authentic and real olive oil production and marketing so that people are getting what they are paying for. This is the best way to fight fake olive oil.


Do you want to use the highest quality extra virgin olive oil for your daily use and make your body healthy? Our premium quality extra virgin olive oil is the best choice for your daily cooking. Our premium quality extra virgin olive oil is authentic, certified, and meet all the requirements of extra virgin olive oil. Don't compromise on your health, order our best quality extra virgin olive oil right oil, and protect your family and yourself from fake olive oils.

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