Why Olive Oil Should Be Your Go-To Ingredient for Vegan Cooking?

Why Olive Oil Should Be Your Go-To Ingredient for Vegan Cooking?

There are a lot of people in the world that are vegetarians and love to eat vegetables. Because they don't like meat, and some of them cannot digest any kind of meat. Olive oil is a natural ingredient that most vegetarians use to cook their vegetables. Because olive oil adds a rich and deep flavor to your meal in addition to healthy substances.

Olive oil is perfect for those who love plant base food or vegetables because olive oil enhances the flavor of their dishes. This article will tell you why olive oil is best for cooking plant base food.

What is vegan diet?

Vegan diet is actually vegetarian or plant based diet that does not include any kind of meat like mutton, chicken, beef, eggs, and dairy products etc. People who love to eat vegan diet are called vegetarians because they cannot eat animal based or meat based meal. It is a balanced diet that that gives nutrients and vitamins to your body.

Is olive oil vegan?

Yes, olive oil is completely vegan because it is produced from olives that are grown in a natural way. Farmers collect olives by hands, and then they press these olives with seeds under high pressure. This process adds fibers in the olive oil and gives a fruity and fresh taste. This oil is free of animal based ingredients, hence olive oil is completely vegan ingredient.

What does olive oil contribute in vegan diet?

Olive oil if full of healthy substances and healthy fats that are good for your body. These substances and fats increase good cholesterol level and decrease bad cholesterol level. This good cholesterol is very good for heart and skin because it reduces the aging process and makes body muscles strong. When olive oil is used to cook a vegan diet, it adds additional nutrients and vitamins in the food that is good for overall health.

What oils can be used for cooking plant based diet?

There are a variety of oils available in the market that can be used for cooking whole food plant based diet. The purpose of these oils is to avoid processed food or proceeded cooking oil. Avocado oil, flex seed oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, and extra virgin olive oil are the best to cook such food. Though all oils add nutrients in your body by extra virgin olive oil adds healthy substances and vitamins in addition to nutrients.

Is olive oil healthy?

There a many types of olive oil has been introduced in the market recently, but extra virgin olive oil is the best among all. Extra virgin olive oil is the best and healthiest substitute of butter or vegetable oil. It contains healthy fats that reduce cholesterol level in your body and increase heart health. It contains inflammation educing substances that help to protect your body from serious diseases like heart attack and cancer etc.

Furthermore, it also contains protecting substances that protect your body cell from damage. It contains vitamins like A, D, E, and K that are fat soluble vitamins and remove unnecessary fats from your body. It also contains vitamins that increase your overall health.

Olive oil in vegan recipes:

Extra virgin olive oil is an amazing and mind-blowing ingredient that can be used for cooking both plan based and animal based foods. Olive oil is used in a variety of plant based foods like for frying vegetables, pouring over salads, and baking potatoes etc. You can also use it for baking cakes or grilling vegetables like carrots etc.

Pouring a spoon full of olive oil over South-European salad enhances its taste by adding a deep and rich flavor. It can also be used as a base for making salad dips because olive oil makes the dip extra smooth and soft textured. It is such a flexible ingredient that can be used for making any plant based food.

Benefits of olive oil in vegan diet:

Following are the health benefits of vegan diet:

1. Heart health:

Extra virgin olive oil is very good for heart muscles because it reduces bad cholesterol level that causes heart attack. Taking olive oil daily makes your heart muscles strong and promotes your heart health.

2. Protecting substances:

Olive oil contains various protecting substances that protect your body cells. Your body cells will not get damages if you take olive oil daily. You can also reduce  your aging process because it is also good for your skin.

3. Inflammation reducing substances:

It also contains inflammation reducing substances that reduce inflammation in your body. These substances protect your body from serious diseases like cancer.

4. Bone health:

Olive oil is also good for your bone health because it helps to properly absorb calcium in your bones. It is very good for vegans because their dairy milk intake is zero, and they need to maintain their normal calcium level.

5. Skin health:

Olive oil has a natural inflammation reducing and moisturizing ability, so it can be used for skin care routine. It keeps your skin moist and hydrated so that you don't need to use any chemicals for your skin.

Should we cook with olive oil?

Yes, we should cook with extra virgin olive oil. Though olive oil contains various healthy substances that are good for our overall health, but cooking with olive oil depends on one’s will. Because there are a lot of people in the world who don't like the flavor or smell of olive oil. They can balance their olive oil intake with other fruits and vegetables instead of avoiding it.

Why do some vegans avoid olive oil?

Extra virgin olive oil itself is a vegan ingredient, but some vegans avoid using it. Here are some reason:

1. Health concern:

Olive oil is a thick oil and contains high amount of calories in it. Hence, some vegans avoid cooking with olive oil because of its high calories content. They think that olive oil can also increase their weight if they take it in a large amount.

2. Preference for whole food:

Vegan prefers eating whole food like avocado, nuts, and seeds that contain fiber and oil in it. They avoid processed food to increase their gut and overall health. Olive oil is collected by pressing olives and seeds under high pressure, and vegans think it is somehow a processed oil. Hence, they avoid taking olive oil and prefer whole food.

3. Environmental impact:

Vegans think that processed oils or other plant based oils leave a negative and ever lasting impact on the environment. Because these oils are processed oils when farmers collect fruit from land and trees and press them to extract oils from them. It requires manual energy and land use for the production of oil. After these oils are successfully produced, they are then transported to the markets with the help of vehicles that add carbon dioxide in the air.

4. Concern about rancidity:

Like all other oils, olive oil can also get rancid with time. Rancidity is the change of taste and smell with the passage of time. When olive oil is produced, it remains fresh for two years but after this time, olive oil starts changing its taste and smell. Hence, people store olive oil in dark bottles or cans in their stores where temperature is a bit low, so that it remains fresh for a long time.

Should we avoid olive oil?

Olive oil is full of healthy substances, so you should not avoid using olive oil. It all depends upon your health and diet preference. If you are a vegan, you should use olive oil in a balance with other ingredient so that you don't get over-weight.

Do cooking with olive oil overcome heart risk?

Yes, cooking with olive oil can overcome heart diseases and other risks. Because it is full of healthy substances and nutrients that are good for heart health. But you should avoid an over intake of olive oil because it is full of calories that can make you over-weight.


Do you want to add all healthy substances of olive oil in your vegan diet? Use our extra virgin olive oil to enhance the flavor of your dishes whether you are using it for cooking, deep-frying, or baking. Add a bottle of our premium quality extra virgin olive oil in your kitchen cabinet and start cooking your plant based food with it. Visit our Shop, order our extra virgin olive oil, and feel its magic in your life.

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